Hi there, my name is Emma and I blog over at Hello Beautiful. I was really honored when Hannah contacted me and asked if I would be interested in participating in her Creating Smiles project as I felt it would be a wonderful way to bring purpose and meaning to my crafting obsession. There are several causes that I hold dear, but for this week I would like to donate 100% of the sale price of all sales in my etsy shop to The Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.
My 4yr old daughter was born with a severe heart defect and has had multiple open heart surgeries, performed by the AMAZING surgeons at CHLA. She has grown from being a very weak little mite into a roaring, running, screeching bundle of strength and energy. The doctors and nurses at CHLA have not only saved her life, but have also given her the opportunity to have a NORMAL life, something which many children are not able obtain.
One particularly memorable moment was taking her to our local ER and being told she needed to get to CHLA (about 1hr away by car) immediately. What felt like 10 mins later, she and I were on the roof of the ER being escorted into CHLA's helicopter and flown to LA. Not quite the entrance into Hollywood I would have liked to make, but my daughter was (and still is) pretty thrilled about having arrived in such style.

Now, before you start feeling sad for my daughter, please know that she usually looks like this these days....
and this...
But there are plenty of other children that do need our help, so please go ahead and check out my Etsy Store and if you see something you'd like to buy, please know that your money will be given to the hospital that gave my daughter skateboarding downhill, family trips to the beach, ballet recitals among many other things, as well as a future.
Note from Hannah Handmade: Ok guys, stop by her shop and take a look! If you see something you like, let her know, plus you can’t say no to that cute little girl of hers :)
Note from Hannah Handmade: Ok guys, stop by her shop and take a look! If you see something you like, let her know, plus you can’t say no to that cute little girl of hers :)
Awww! Gotta love her :)